Erasmus+ is the European Union’s programme for international cooperation in education, training, youth and sport. Erasmus+ aims to raise the quality of education and training, thereby strengthening social cohesion and the competitiveness of the Union’s economy. Erasmus+ aims to ensure that as many young people as possible can take part in the programme, especially those from less advantaged backgrounds. As key themes, the programme highlights activities related to integration, preserving the environment (Green Erasmus+) and the transition to a digital society.

The Erasmus+ programme allows a student to carry out a part of their full-time studies (at any level, stage or cycle of study, including the preparation of theses and dissertations) at a partner institution abroad instead of at their home institution.
Applying to the programme is open to anyone who fulfils the following basic conditions for Erasmus+ student status:
- the student has active student status at their home faculty of the University of Maribor for the entire duration of their studies abroad;
- the student will not exceed the maximum total mobility duration (Erasmus+ study and placement) during their studies abroad.
Erasmus+ students can be mobile for up to a total of 12 months at each level of study, and can take part in studies and/or practical training more than once. Students on a single study programme are eligible to receive a financial grant for a total of 24 months of exchange during their studies.
According to a decision of the Senate of the University of Maribor, in order to be granted a financial grant while studying abroad, students must gain at least:
- 10 ECTS per trimester (3 months);
- 20 ECTS per semester (6 months);
- 40 ECTS per academic year (12 months).
The required number of ECTS is calculated according to the actual duration of the mobility period.
Information for students applying to the Erasmus+ study abroad programme for the Academic Year 2022/2023 is available on the website of the University of Maribor and is available here.
The call for applications, which is open to all students studying at the University of Maribor, sets out the eligibility conditions and explains the detailed application procedure.
Students can apply to institutions with which the Faculty of Arts of the University of Maribor (FF UM) has signed an International Agreement.
Internal application procedure at the Faculty of Arts, UM
When applying for the programme, FF UM students must comply with the following internal requirements of the Faculty:
I. Phase I
Deadline for applications: until funds are exhausted (for mobility periods falling between 01/12/2022 and 30/09/2023).
- students must complete and confirm (submit) their electronic application to study abroad through the University of Maribor website.
- students must then send their signed application by e-mail to, or by post to: Filozofska fakulteta UM, Mednarodna pisarna, Koroška cesta 160, 2000 Maribor.
In the case of the number of applicants applying to a partner university exceeding the number of available places, the selection criteria will be as follows:
If the number of applicants applying to each partner institution exceeds the number of vacancies available specified in the bilateral agreement, then the selection will be made according to the following order of priority (the criterion under Point 1 will be considered first; if there are more applications than this, the criterion under Point 2 will be considered, etc.):
- upper year of study;
2. students applying for mobility for the first time;
3. a higher average grade across the courses taken.
II. Second phase
At least 14 days before the deadline for applying to the foreign institution, students must submit to the International Office of the FF UM:
The full ERASMUS application including a study programme – Online Learning Agreement
Please follow this link and prepare your Learning Agreement using the online tool. A recording of the OLA webinar will assist you when completing it. Students must ensure that the form is completed in time and submitted to the Erasmus Coordinator to be signed electronically (
The Individual Study Programme Form
Student who will be abroad for a semester must prepare a proposal detailing the courses that they will be taking abroad, and coordinate this with the Departmental Erasmus Coordinator. The proposal of the courses to be taken abroad must be included with the Individual Study Programme form, together with the FF UM courses to be taken at FF UM in the semester in which the student is planning on going abroad. The course proposal form must be approved by both the Head of Department of the FF UM and the Departmental Erasmus Coordinator. The FF UM cannot approve the Learning Agreement until this form has been submitted.
Due to differences in ECTS at home and abroad (different valuation of the same or similar course), the sum of ECTS for the submission of the Learning Agreement and the Individual Study Programme must be at least 20 ECTS for one semester according to the scoring system of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Maribor.
The Application Form of the Foreign Institution
Students must check the additional requirements and procedures of the partner institution on the website of the partner institution abroad, complete the required documents, and ensure that such documents are submitted and signed by the relevant Coordinator at the home faculty before they are sent to the host institution before the deadline (at least 2 weeks before submission).
Before or during your studies abroad, you may find that you are unable to take some of the subjects in your Learning Agreement, or you may wish to take additional subjects. Any such change of subjects must be noted on the Erasmus+ Learning Agreement for Studies – During the Mobility Form.
If you require approval for the recognition of a replacement module in order to be able to claim the credits for the requirements you have satisfied abroad, please contact the professor teaching the subject by e-mail to arrange this.
After returning from abroad, students must submit the following documents to the UM FF International Office:
- a Transcript of Records, if not already sent by the partner institution from abroad;
- the Confirmation 1 Form and;
- the Confirmation 2 Form.
Once this has been done, the FF UM will issue a Decision on the Recognition of Obligations Completed Abroad.
The student’s study abroad commitments will be recognised in the study programme of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Maribor following the prior consent of the holder of the module of study to be recognised, or the study abroad commitments will be included as a supplement to their diploma.
Under certain conditions laid down in the Regulations on the Performance of Study Obligations by Students of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Maribor, the FF UM may also recognise a student for the whole semester.
In addition to this procedure at the FF UM, students must fulfil the obligations set out in the Erasmus Grant Agreement upon their return from abroad.
Erasmus+ offers internships in a company or any other suitable workplace, which young graduates can take part in within the 12 months following their graduation in one of the countries participating in the programme.
Participating countries include those in the European Union, Iceland, Liechtenstein, North Macedonia, Norway, and Turkey.
The aims of this mobility are:
- improved learning achievements;
- better employment prospects and better career prospects;
- enhanced self-initiative and entrepreneurship;
- independence and self-confidence;
- improved foreign language skills;
- enhanced intercultural awareness;
- increased active participation in society;
- greater awareness of the European project and EU values;
- increased motivation to participate in future (formal/informal) education or training following the mobility period abroad.
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