Book Loans

You can borrow materials with a student card, library card or with a valid identification document.


The loan period is 1 month, unless otherwise specified (7 or 14 days).

You can extend your loan before the deadline by using the ‘Moja knjižnica’ service or by phone. Students are generally limited to borrowing 10 items.

Collection of reserved materials on behalf of another person is allowed providing you have an authorisation document. This form can be found on the Miklošič Library – FPNM website.

COBISS+ and mCOBISS services are available.

If you do not return the borrowed material on time, you will be charged a late fee according to the current price list of the University of Maribor for each item.


Certain types of material (journals, non-book material, theses, dissertations, and books that are for the reading room only, marked as ‘ZA ČITALNICO’) are only available for use in the reading room or for photocopying, and must be returned on the same day (15 minutes before the library closes).

If you do not return the borrowed reading room material on time, you will be charged a daily late fee.

Important Links

COBISS+ My Online Library COBISS Electronic Resources UKM
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