Students at the Faculty of Arts, University of Maribor produce various journals, bulletins, and newsletters that enrich extracurricular activities. They are created within the framework of different associations, clubs, sections and departments of the Faculty. Their main purpose is to publish independent student articles, where students can discuss and problematise various topics related to scientific and non-scientific articles, discussions, reviews, travelogues, etc.
What is Filoglasilo?
The Filoglasilo journal is produced and designed by the students of the Faculty of Arts. The journal aims to form connections between our many departments and to present various curricular and extracurricular activities to our Faculty. The first thematic issue was dedicated to student exchanges.

Who are we?
Editor-in-chief: Pia Žula
Assistant Editor: Žiga Majcen
Language Editor: Pia Žula, Sergeja Sever
Cover Page: Lucija Jurić, Nina Ferlič in Tjaša Holer
Graphic Design: David Vozlič in Tadeja Melanšek
Promotional Activities
What is GeoUM?
GeoUM is a geographical journal produced by Geography students from the Department of Geography at the University of Maribor. The editorial board is comprised of students that are members of the Geography Students’ Association in Maribor (DŠGM). Each student is given the opportunity (including students from other departments) to publish articles related to geography. The journal consists of two parts. The first part represents activities in the Department of Geography throughout the calendar year, while the second part consists of both scientific and non-scientific articles. The photo that wins that particular year’s photography competitions gets to be on the cover page of the journal.
Who are we?
Managing and Technical Editor: Aljaž Žagavec
Editorial Board: Klemen Bedök, Urška Borko, Tamara Feher, Jernej Flis, Aleksandra Pepevnik, Urška Povalej, Aljaž Žagavec, Urška Žižek

Link to the Journal
Psihološki inkubator
What is Psihološki inkubator?
Psihološki inkubator is scientific journal run by students that is published under the patronage of the Psychology Students’ Association, Maribor. The Journalisti group is responsible for publishing the journal and choosing new, relevant topics for the following issue. The journal includes articles about psychosomatic disorders, creativity, manipulation, Freud and psychoanalysis, forensic psychology, ethics, consumerism, positive psychology, love and relationships, fear and evolutionary psychology. We also collaborate with experts from different fields, such as medicine, sociology and physiology, which enables us to view and discuss these topics from different perspectives.
With the help of the journal, students are able to familiarise themselves with the processes of writing a scientific article and recension, as well as being able to publish their own work. They can also use the journal to present their Bachelor’s or Master’s thesis. We strive to provide a high-quality, alternative source of information that encourages our readers to expand their knowledge and develop new ideas.
Who are we?
Editor-in-chief: Laura Buzeti

Link to the Journal
Last year, we made certain copies of Psihološki inkubator freely accessible online.
Študentski zgodovinski časopis
What is Študentski zgodovinski časopis?
The Student Section of the Dr Franc Kovačič Historical Society of Maribor publishes a newsletter entitled Študentski zgodovinski časopis that represents the backbone of student creations and offers the opportunity to publish scientific articles. The issue numbers of the newsletter consist of various articles written by individuals from different fields that can help in writing seminar papers, providing examples of citing literature. The listed literature sources encourage and lead its readers to more detailed readings and studies, such as scientific and expert articles, monographs, collections of scientific papers, and encyclopedias.
Who are we?
Editor-in-chief: Tadeja Melanšek
Managing Editor: asist. Ana Šela
Language Editor: asist. Ana Šela
Peer Reviewers: doc. dr. Aleš Maver, asist. Janez Osojnik in Tadeja Melanšek
Translators: Uroš Turnšek in asist. David Hazemali
Graphic Designers: Tadeja Melanšek, asist. Ana Šela in Naja Gajzer

Link to the Journal
Liter jezika
What is Liter jezika?
Students from the Department of Slavic Languages and Literature take pride in their literary and linguistic journal Liter Jezika, which has a 10-year tradition. The journal highlights young names from the Faculty of Arts, University of Maribor, that are active in the field of Literature and Linguistics. They publish literary work from young authors, critical and essayistic reflections, which are (usually) the result of outstanding seminar papers, and report the current events of the department.
Who are we?
Editor-in-chief: Karin Jureš
Regional Editor and External Colleagues: Ana Ambrož, Nina Hajšek, Tjaša Miholič, Mojca Penič, Ajda Strajnar, Sara Škerget, Tajda Urh, Nina Žnidarič

Link to the Journal
What is Crumbs?
Crumbs is our student journal where aspiring novelists, essayists, poets, photographers, and painters … well, artists, have a chance to showcase their work and have it published. We encourage creativity and talent, but most importantly, we want to encourage you: get your work out there and be seen!
Who are we?
Editor-in-chief: Marina Bajić
Assistant Editors: Denis Režonja, Gal Tišler, Petra Fuks, Sara Nuša Golob Grabner.
Graphic Designer: Vanesa Erjavec

Links to the Journal
What is Germinator?
“Germinator” is the name of our student newsletter that is published once a year under the leadership of our professor lekt. dr. Doris Mlakar Gračner within the framework of the subject “Praktična jezikovna znanja 3”.