Predavanja gostujoče profesorice prof. dr. Heidi Denzel de Tirado

24. 5.11. 6. 2021


V času od 24. maja do 11. junija 2021 bo na Filozofski fakulteti UM gostovala

prof. dr. Heidi Denzel de Tirado z Univerze Dartmouth College (ZDA),

ki bo na Oddelku za germanistiko po spletu izvedla niz predavanj in seminarjev.

Vljudno vabljeni, da se pridružite po priloženem urniku:

From 24 May to 11 June 2021, the Faculty of Arts at the UM will host

Prof. Dr. Heidi Denzel de Tirado from Dartmouth College (USA).

She will hold a series of lectures and seminars at the Departments of German Studies via MS Teams.
Warmly welcome to take part in these lectures according to the following schedule:

25/5/2021 15:30-17:05 Švicarska književnost/Swiss Literature (2 hours)
27/5/2021 15:30-17:55 Kulturni in literarni trgi/Culture and Literary Markets (3 hours)
28/5/2021 18:00-19:35 Metode literarne in kulturne zgodovine/Methods of Literary and Cultural
History (2 hours)

1/6/2021 15:30-17:05 Švicarska književnost/Swiss Literature (2 hours)
2/6/2021 18:00-19:45 Medkulturnost v književnosti in literature (2 hours)
4/6/2021 15:30-17:05 Metode literarne in kulturne zgodovine/Methods of Literary and Cultural
History (2 hours)

9/6/2021 15:30-17:05 Medkulturnost v književnosti in literature (2 hours)
10/6/2021 15:30-17:55 Kulturni in literarni trgi/Culture and Literary Markets (3 hours)
11/6/2021 15:30-17:05 Metode literarne in kulturne zgodovine/Methods of Literary and Cultural
History (2 hours)

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