Predavanje o etičnih vrednotah in problemu nadzora v kontekstu varnostnih pomislekov glede rabe močne umetne inteligence

18. 4. 2023
Predavalnica FF 2.9


na Oddelku za filozofijo v sklopu Erasmus+ izmenjave ta mesec gostijmo Stepana Cvika, ki zaključuje doktorski študij na Oddelku za filozofijo Univerze v Ostravi.

V našem doktorskem seminarju bo v torek, 18. aprila ob 18. uri (FF, pred. 2.9) predaval o etičnih vrednotah in problemu nadzora v kontekstu varnostnih pomislekov glede rabe močne umetne inteligence.

Spodaj je kratek izvleček predavanja (ki bo potekalo v angleščini).

Vljudno vabljeni!


Abstract: The recent significant developments in the field of weak AI are forcing us to start thinking about the potential risks associated with the advent of strong AI, which is – according to many – expected to happen in the space of several decades. The most pressing questions are then associated with ethical values and the so-called control problem, since they appear to be directly connected to how beneficial or destructive the strong AI in question is going to be. The goal of this work is not only to explore all the different approaches to these issues, but also to specify which of them are the safest, the easiest to implement and the most potentially beneficial.

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