Predavanja gostujočega profesorja prof. dr. Jeff Millerja


V času od 17. maja do 4. junija 2021 bo  na Filozofski fakulteti UM gostoval

prof. dr. Jeff Miller z Univerze New Paltz (ZDA),

ki bo na Oddelku za germanistiko, Oddelku za sociologijo ter Oddelku za anglistiko in amerikanistiko po spletu izvedel niz predavanj in seminarjev.

Vljudno vabljeni, da se pridružite po priloženem urniku:

From 17 May to 4 June 2021, the Faculty of Arts at the UM will host

Prof. Dr. Jeff Miller from New Paltz University (USA).

He will hold a series of lectures and seminars at the Departments of German Studies, Sociology, and English and American Studies – via MS Teams.

Warmly welcome to take part in these lectures according to the following schedule:




17/5/2021 16:20-17:55  Sociologija spolov/Gender Sociology  (2 hours) (NY time 10:20-11:55)


19/5/2021 15:30-17:55 Medkulturnost v književnosti in literature (3 hours) (NY time 9:30-11:55)


20/5/2021 17:10-18:45 Osnove ustne komunikacije/Basics of oral communication (2 hours)  (NY time 11:10-12:45)





24/5/2021   16:20-17:55 Sociologija spolov/Gender Sociology  (2 hours) (NY time 10:20-11:55)


25/5/2021   16:20-19:35 Sociological Gender Research/Sociološko preučevanje spolov  (4 hours) (NY time 10:20-13:35)


26/5/2021   18:00-19:30 Angleška književnost od romantike do fin-de-siècla / English literature from the romantics till fin-de-siècle)  (2 hours) (NY time 12:00h-13:30)





31/5/2021   14:40-17:55 Sociologija spolov/Gender Sociology (4 hours) (NY time 08:40-11:55)


2/6/2021     14:40-16:15 Transkulturnost v nemški književnosti in German lit of 20th c. (2 hours) (NY time 08:40h-10:15)

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