BIOTE(A)CH – Bridging the Gap Between Biotechnology and Industry: Integrating Design Thinking and Flipped Learning

Center za ekoremediacije (ERM) Oddelek za geografijo Erasmus+
Šifra projekta
Začetek projekta
30. 12. 2022
Konec projekta
29. 12. 2024
Evropska unija
250.000,00 EUR
Sredstva UM
39.130,00 EUR
Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi, Turčija

UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DELLA TUSCIA (Italija); SVEUCILISTE U ZAGREBU (Hrvaška); MELLIS EGITIM TEKNOLOJI TICARET LIMITED ŞIRKETI (Turčija); DIMOKRITIO PANEPISTIMIO THRAKIS (Grčija); Glycogest Biyoteknoloji Limited Sirketi (Turčija); UNIVERZA V MARIBORU; Filozofska fakulteta v sodelovanju s Fakulteto za kmetijstvo in biosistemske vede.

Vodja na FF
vodja na FF UM: red. prof. ddr. Ana Vovk; vodja na FKBV UM: doc. dr. Silva Grobelnik Mlakar

BIOTE(A)CH aims to create a curriculum by using design thinking that enhances the transition from higher education to the labour market in agricultural biotechnology in connection to recent technological achievements and to develop teaching materials supporting the course delivery designed with flipped learning.

In the curriculum development process, data will be collected, conducting surveys, workshops, literature reviews, and teamwork. Video tutorials will be prepared by the joint work of partners and during the technical process for video creation, partners will prepare the lecturer’s book and success stories booklet synchronically by using the data that they will gather from the workshops carried out with the biotech industry representatives. The project results will be tested in a piloting process.

Concrete Project Results
1- Curriculum: Bridging the Gap between the University and Industry (Agricultural Biotechnology Example)
2- Video Tutorials: Two Types: Expert Videos and Animated Videos (12 videos will be provided in 6 languages)
3- Lecturer’s Book: Course delivery methodology integrating Flipped Learning with Design Thinking
4- Success Stories Booklet: Inspiration from biotech staff telling about their stories – easy and difficult aspects
5- Prototypes developed in the piloting process

Izvedba projekta BIOTE(A)CH je sofinancirana s strani Evropske komisije iz programa Erasmus+.


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