- Ekonomski razvoj in družbene neenakosti
- Sociološki vidiki globalizacije
- Sociologija ekonomskih sistemov in razvoja
- Okoljska sociologija
- Sodobne sociološke perspektive
- Sociološke teorije
Raziskovalni interesi
- ekonomski razvoj, globalizacija, revščina, izkoriščanje, neenakost
- kapitalizem državne regulacije, prostotržne institucije, neoliberalizem
- nasilje in vojne od predzgodovine do modernosti
- teorija racionalne izbire in druge teorije človeškega delovanja
Izbrane knjige
- The Neoliberal World Order in Crisis, and Beyond
(Ljubljana University Press, 2023) - Capitalism for realists: Vices and virtues of the modern economy
(Routledge, 2022) - Rational choice and democratic government: A sociological approach
(Routledge, 2021) - Mikrotemelji in makrovzroki družbenih pojavov: Sodobna sociološka metateorija
(Znanstvena založba FF UL, 2018)
Izbrani članki
- Free-market institutions and income inequality: did the link persist around the world even in times of falling within-country inequality, 2000–2021?
(International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 2024) - Does economic freedom push people into suicide? New evidence from developing and developed societies, 1980–2019
(The American Journal of Economics and Sociology, 2024) - Re-examining extreme poverty before and after the transition to capitalism, 1300s–1900s: the issue of definition, periodization, measurement, and causal responsibility
(International Review of Sociology, 2024) - Establishing an inverted U-shaped pattern of violence and war from prehistory to modernity: towards an interdisciplinary synthesis
(Theory and Society, 2024) - The rise and apparent decline of globalization: what comes after the ‘end of history’?
(The Palgrave Handbook of Contemporary Geopolitics, 2024) - ‘Free-market capitalism’ and democracy in the period of democratic recession: investigating the relationship in 141 countries, 2006–2017
(International Journal of Sociology, 2024) - What is neoliberalism really? A global analysis of its real-world consequences for development, inequality, and democracy
(Social Science Information, 2023) - The prehistory of violence and war: Moving beyond the Hobbes-Rousseau quagmire
(Journal of peace research, 2023) - The limits and prospects of contemporary cultural evolutionary theory
(Journal for the theory of social behaviour, 2021) - Why do political elites fracture? The unusual case of the Yugoslav communist elite
(Journal of historical sociology, 2021) - Varieties of ‘rationality’ and the question of their continued theoretical relevance
(Social science information, 2020) - For an integrative theory of social behaviour: Theorizing with and beyond rational choice theory
(Journal for the theory of social behaviour, 2019) - The transition debate today
(Historical materialism, 2018)
Nagrade in priznanja
- Priznanje za najboljše znanstveno delo, izdano v zadnjih treh letih pri tuji založbi
(Slovensko sociološko društvo, 2022) - Miklošičeva nagrada za izjemne znanstvenoraziskovalne dosežke
(Filozofska fakulteta UM, 2021)